Massage therapy is a physiotherapy practice, in which the skin and subcutaneous tissue are subjected to a series of massage therapy techniques, in order to cure morbid processes that can be localized and/or generalized massage therapy in San Antonio, TX
Neck pain, neck pain, back pain, contractures are the main painful states that lead to the need for a massage of this kind. It is also known for its lymphatic drainage capacity to the full advantage of water retention and cellulite.
It consists of a manipulation of the muscle / connective tissue with the aim of improving the condition of the same. In the first session, it is carried out with caution to test the patient’s reactivity to tactile stimuli and consequently avoid the onset of reflex contractures
Therapeutic massage can be divided into four broad categories:
de contracting (classic Swedish massage)
anti-fatigue (classic massage)
draining (lymphatic massage)
invigorating (sports or Swedish massage when the muscle is hypotonic such as post plaster);
Rhythm, speed, intensity and combination of techniques generate the therapeutic effect.
The techniques performed by the masseur are as follows:
Friction: the masseur’s hands rub the patient’s skin. Contact and friction act on the most superficial layer
Kneading: this is how a movement is defined that recalls that for kneading bread. It is performed on the patient if he has good muscle mass and consists in pinching and lifting the muscles by applying pressure with the thumb against the other fingers of the hand.
Pressure: serves to facilitate the reabsorption of edema and is performed by pinching the skin. Useful for improving blood circulation.
Percussion: these are rapid and short tapping that are performed with the fingers or with the edge of the hands. This technique is useful for loosening muscle contractures, for vascularizing the muscles and for stimulating the nervous system.
Vibration: they are rapid lateral movements, like tremors that the therapist performs on the area to be treated.
Rubbing: involves applying pressure to the skin.
Gliding: The massager glides over the skin but does not apply pressure. This technique is used at the beginning of the session and at the end.
The beneficial effects of the massage concern:
the lymphatic and venous circulation, improving the circulation of lymph and blood;
the contracted or retracted tissues (i.e. the painful areas) due to a mechanical pressure-relaxation action.